Practice Makes Perfect: A Guide to DIY Road Line Marking


If you own a piece of private land, you will want to make sure that anyone using the roads and carparks is able to navigate and traverse the area safely. If you make a mistake when painting the lines, it can take a lot of time to remove the paint so you can start again. Therefore, if you have decided to carry out a DIY line painting job, it is important that you practice using the equipment first. Below is a guide which will help you to practice your line marking skills.

Practice on a piece of unused road 

Ideally, you should practice operating the line marking machine on an unused piece of road on your property. The road surface on the unused road should be of the same type as the road you plan to paint line on. This will give you the freedom to experiment with the machine so you can master the controls. You will no doubt make mistakes as you apply the paint to this unused piece of road, but this will not matter as you will have learnt the skills you need to paint the roads and carparks on your property.

Invest in some temporary line marking paint

A great way to practice your line marking skills is to use some temporary paint. Temporary paint is designed to dissolve over a number of weeks when exposed to the elements. By using the temp paint when drawing your practice lines, you can work safe in the knowledge that any mistakes you make will be erased in the near future. 

Call in a professional road line marking company

If you find that you cannot master the art of line painting, there isn't any shame in calling in an expert to complete the work for you. A line painting contractor is trained and will have the benefit of many years of experience which will allow them to complete the work quickly and professionally. Before you call in a line painting contractor, you should carefully map out the layout of the lines you require. The easiest way to do this is to photocopy a plan of your property which clearly shows the roads. You can then use different coloured inks to draw on the different types of lines in the correct position.

For more information and advice about painting road markings, you should contact a line painting company today.


26 March 2018

How General Contractors Can Help You

Last year, I noticed that my home was very cold and draughty. I called in a team of general contractors and asked them to assess the property. The problem was with my windows. The window frames were pretty old and they let a lot of cold air into my home. The contractor also found a problem with my HVAC system, which was also causing problems with the circulation of air around my home. The contractors carried out repair work and now my home is nice and warm. I hope this blog helps you to understand how a team of general contractors can help you.